"Cascais" was featured on the largest Asian language television network in the United States while at Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts Gallery in July 2013.. Here is the link to the segment. Go to the 2:50 minute mark.
Internationally collected abstract Artist Chantal Barlow, shows her work at the opening reception for exhibit "Blush" at Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts Gallery during the Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk May 2013. Participating Artists - Chantal Barlow, Gwen Cates, Martha Channer, Duncan Linthicum, Linda Mayne & Craig Mitchell.
GDCA Gallery is proud to present our October, 2012 exhibit - "Masculin-Feminin", which celebrates many exciting voices in the fields of painting, sculpture and photography. Participating Artists - Chantal Barlow, Francis Calimlim, Marlene Capell, Michael Moon, Rene DeLoffre, John Revitte, Paul Lopez Sr., David Martin, Walter Mazzarella, Ben Ferrer and Michael Ruffini."
Internationally collected abstract painter, Chantal Barlow, shows her work at the opening reception for exhibit "Nature - Nurture" at Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts Gallery during the Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk November 2012.​​
Internationally collected abstract painter, Chantal Barlow, shows her work at the opening reception for exhibit "Masculin-Feminin" at Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts Gallery during the Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk on October 11, 2012​​
"Nature-Nurture" GDCA Gallery is proud to present our November, 2012 exhibit, Nature-Nurture, which celebrates many exciting voices in the fields of painting, mixed media and glass sculpture. Participating Artists - Chantal Barlow, John Revitte, David Martin, Walter Mazzarella, Wendy Park, George Reynolds, and Cynthia Ann Swan."
Preview of the Art in the Sky Rooftop event set-up on June 20th 2012. Chantal Barlow's abstract paintings on wood were featured. 300+ attended. Marketing & media partners included: Monster Energy Drink, Voss Water, KarmaloopTV, and YRBMagazine. This event was hosted by LA Style House at TenTenWilshire in Downtown Los Angeles.
Art meets music. During her studio session with Super-Producer J Bynum, recording artist Jasmine Villegas was presented with her first piece of commissioned fine art by Los Angeles based, internationally collected abstract painter Chantal Barlow.